Monday, October 22, 2007

Underground Church Spreading The Gospel in China

A while ago, Stephanie over at Sojourners In A Strange Land linked to an article on Preparing for the Underground Church by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand (once imprisoned and tortured for being a Christian minister in Romania. More of Pastor Wurmbrand's testimony HERE). Well, last week Mr. Free shared with me a blog detailing the goings on in an underground church in today's communist China. The Gospel In China blog is one that is sure to bless, fascinate and inspire you, so check it out.

Both of these courageous offerings should serve as reminders to us that we are Messiah's Ambassadors (as detailed in 2 Corinthians 5:20) and we have no excuse not to share the Good News daily with all we meet. If his Ambassadors in China and Romania (and other countries where being Christian is a criminal act) are willing to risk limb and life to do so, we who reside in countries where our religion and speech is protected by law have absolutely no excuse.

As with any other good news, we should be excited to tell others...we should be constantly spreading it to our neighbors, friends, co-workers and family...we shouldn't keep it to ourselves and rest in the comfort that we know the truth sent through Messiah into the world, but we should be bursting at the seams to share it with others.

Now go read and be inspired to act according to His will and purpose in your life.

In His Service,

Ambassador Free ;)

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