Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Woman I Am (Poem)


(By Yours Truly)

Excuse me while I grow
Before your eyes, you see.
You’ll have to look within your soul
If you seek to recognize me.

I am the daughter of the Creator,
So regal in my glory.
My inheritance is endless.
So rich is my story.

I am the homeless woman
That you avoid when you pass me on the street.
I watch your eyes pretending,
Acting like you don’t see me.
I am the little girl that you pray for,
“Lord, I don’t know what’s wrong with that girl,
But Father watch over her please.”
I am the woman that you dream about,
The one to bring you to your knees.
I am the woman that can hold you,
Melt your pain into my own.
I am the woman that you turn to
When you need to feel at home.
I am the woman who will confuse you
Humor you, and amuse you.
That you cry for and with;
Because of....

I am the woman who will contradict everything you thought you knew about women,
Because...I ain’t no lady!!!

I am the woman who knows everything
Until you listen closely and find that
I know nothing at all...That is where my wisdom lies.
I am the woman with no answers, but all of the questions just the same.
I am the woman that reigns victorious.
Sure, you may know my name:

Cleopatra, Mary, Sojourner, Oprah, Shirley, Harriet, Angela, Nikki, and Maya,

I am the woman who will populate this universe
With my bright eyed babies
Who will carry my teachings in their busoms
Like I carried them.
It is my nurturing that will go forth
And enable them...and do the things that must,
Should, and should not be done.

Yes, I am that woman.

I am the woman who worked the fields all day.
Watered them with the tears shed for the babies given to me by rape
And then stolen, no SOLD, right out of my arms!
I had millions of them, but could not tell you where most of them ended up.
Never knew if they lived or died; nothing but memories,

But I am the woman who survived.

Birthed my babies in the hot sun, cold wind, and under the master’s whip
And never stopped my duty once, besides to smile on my child’s sweet face
Just a bit, before I had to return to my task, wondering if I’d get to keep this one.

I am that woman who encouraged you to hold on,
Hold out,
Hold up!!!!!!!!!!!

I am that woman.

I am that woman on the front line standing up for my rights and even my wrongs.
I am the woman raising my family single and by myself, but not alone, working, advancing my Education, and contributing my love, all at the same time,
Because we have a job to do...together.

I am that little girl in the ghetto
I am that woman crying alone in the dark
I am that woman that you read about who does the impossible,
Makes a way out of no way.

That woman is who I am.

My life ain’t been no walk in the park
No day at the beach
But if you’ve come to rule me, walk over me, or defeat me
I hope you’ve packed a lunch, because I don’t scare easy.

Through my adversity, I have discovered myself.
Through my pain and weakness, I have discovered my strength.
Through my mistakes, I have discovered my perfections.
Through my arrogance, I have discovered my humility. Hallelujah!!!!
Through my abuse, I have discovered my love.
Through my self-destruction and self-pity, I have discovered the Almighty.

I am here to help you, encourage you, lead you, and follow you, I am here to strengthen and Teach you, that was my promise when I carried you in my womb.

I am that woman, that woman, yes I am.

I am that woman who loves you, who loves you, and yes, even you.
I am your mother, daughter, sister, friend.

Do not look upon me and see “just” a woman, no, don’t see me as something so bland.

See, I am a BLACK WOMAN, complex, rich, proud, rare, open, and full of the color of life.

Excuse me while I grow into, reach towards, and know...

The incredible woman I am.

